Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Unpacking the Evidence

Teaching World History?

Many World History teachers find it difficult to find and incorporate primary resources into their survey courses. World History Sources, designed by The Center for History and New Media (CHNM) at George Mason University, was created "to help world history teachers and students locate, analyze, and learn from online primary sources and to further their understanding of the complex nature of world history, especially the issues of cultural contact and globalization" (

According to their site,
"World History Sources reflects three approaches central to current world history scholarship:
  • an emphasis on comparative issues rather than civilizations in isolation;
  • a focus on contacts among different societies and the economic, social, and cultural consequences of those contacts;
  • and an attentiveness to “global” forces that transcend individual societies or even societies in mutual contact—forces such as technology diffusion, migration, disease transmission, extension and realignments of trade routes, or missionary outreach.

World History Sources also benefits tremendously from recent advances in our understanding of how historical learning takes place, building on strategies designed to improve historical learning and history teaching" (

Be sure to check out their unpacking evidence and analyzing documents components!

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